Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Lo and behold, it does snow in Atlanta! Yipee is all I have to say. This is the first time it has snowed in Atlanta since we moved back from Denver almost three years ago...I can't believe it has been that long. You'd think I would have gotten all the snow out of my system dealing with the Colorado winters but I'm just as giddy right this second as I was on the rare occasion it snowed here when I was little. I'm a big fat ball of excitement waiting to see if the roads freeze over so maybe we won't be able to get to work tomorrow. THAT is what is fun about snow in Atlanta. Of the three years we were in Denver there was only one time work closed down due to snow and that was because it snowed about 4 feet and my snow angel looked like this...

Needless to say, Atlanta doesn't tend to have huge stores of mag-chloride on hand making a morning commute fact, I don't think we have much of anything on hand to deal with icy roads. People make fun of the way we southerners react to snow and ice but the truth of the matter is we don't have the resources to deal with the roads and none of us have any business trying to navigate snow and ice, trust me. Just like I had no business driving my Hotlanta butt around Denver on snowy roads. They really should make southerners that transplant to snowy locales take some type of winter driving course before they are allowed on the roads. I still remember the countless terrifying drives to work where I would white-knuckle the steering wheel, close my eyes & say a prayer then see my life flash before my eyes when I had to make a lane change. I still say that is hands down the scariest part of driving in snow....having to cross over that treacherous no-mans-land between the nice, wet tire tracks in each lane. It gives me the willies just thinking about it.

Here are some pictures of Atlanta snow from my front porch. I hope we can all be kids again for a minute or many flakes can you catch on your tongue? How many snowballs can you throw at your dogs face before he realizes he can try and dodge or eat them? SNOW!!!!

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