Sunday, February 04, 2007

Training Update

Charles and I are finally into double-digit mileage. It may sound strange, but for a while now I have been looking forward to being able to say "Yeah, so I ran 12 miles big deal". Well folks, that day has finally arrived! Last week Charles and I tackled a particularly grueling 10-mile course that completely kicked our asses. I started writing a post last weekend about how hard it was but I was too tired to finish it. We were thoroughly wiped out and for the first time in my training endeavors, I was truly discouraged. If 10 miles was that hard, what the hell would 26.2 feel like? We unenthusiastically carried on with our training during the week (a particularly hellish week as far as weather goes) and were really not looking forward to the 12-mile run we had to tackle yesterday.

One of the "tips" our coaches have been pressing us about is the importance of eating breakfast before we do our long runs. The trick is, we are supposed to eat two hours before we run and we start running at 7:45 which, if you're a math-wizard like me, means we would have to get up at 5:45 to eat, then go back to sleep another hour or so before getting up to run. No fun, right? Well, after we were so exhausted last week, Charles and I decided we should probably try the breakfast thing this week. So, like any good long-distance runner, I woke at 5:45 and sleep-ate my yummy(?), energy-packed Cliff bar then went back to sleep to squeeze out a few more winks before waking up to start the run.

Yesterday was particularly cold so we bundled up as best we could and headed out to meet up with the other hundred or so Team in Training participants. After last week's ass-kicking, we decided we might want to slow our pace a bit this week so we ran with Hillary (another first-time marathoner that I befriended early on in the training) and Debbie, our assistant coach that is my mom's age, has run 25 marathons and will beat any of us youngsters up a hill, leaving us choking on her dust. Before we knew it (aka - two hours later) we were back at the start having completed our 12 miles -- still smiling, still full of energy and ready to take on the rest of the day. I'm not sure if it was the breakfast or the slowing down (we actually ended up finishing at about the same pace as last week) but I was so, so happy to feel good after the run. Now, instead of dreading next Saturday's 14-mile run, I am looking forward to finishing it and being able to tell folks I have run a half marathon (plus a little extra). I am so proud of myself that I have made it this far and am proud of Charles for making the decision to do it with me. We are training really well together and I am so glad and thankful to have him with me, literally every step of the way.

I am also very proud of the fact that I have raised all my money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society...$1700!!! I have been amazed and humbled by how many people donated their money...old co-workers, new co-workers, family friends, family, friends and family of friends (keeping up?). I am still going to take donations and am planning a fundraising event with a TNT friend that is running the Country Music Half Marathon. Feel free to visit my fundraising website to read about my Honored Hero and read about my recent long runs.

I can't wait for my "I'm a Marathoner!!!" post!

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