Friday, December 01, 2006

Kickin' Ass & Takin' Names

AHEAD OF THE GAME!!!! Yeah-hooo!!!!!!!

Marathon, shmarathon...I got this thing in the bag. I'll see your 3 miles on Wednesday and raise you 2, thank you very much. Oh, and do it with 2, count 'em T-W-O, ironman triathletes.


PushStart Kitchen said...

Do it with two triathletes! Yeah!

peppersnaps said...

Yessaaaahhhhh! 26 miles? P-shaw!

Um, who are you doing it with?

Stan said...

All in!!!

Colleen said...

Thats awesome Cami! How's the training coming? It so nice when you are training hard to be able to justify christmas cookies and cake as 'fuel'- its like a deductible 'work expense.' Great blog btw