But sometimes, I get to play with my dog (for you, Zach - he misses you and stick time)...
And tend to my modest-yet-bursting-with-potential garden (for Ann Lillie). Ladies and gentlemen...my ice plant -- ta da!
My thumb is still flesh colored but in just the right light I think I can see some green!
After a 12-hour workday today and probably another four 12-hour workdays to finish out the week, a brief stint in Mexico (pronounced meh-hee-ko for my unilingual friends) next week, customer meetings the following week and then even more customer meetings the week after that, the posting might be few and far between for a bit.
However, soon Mr.Simmons will be leaving his lovely wife for 7 whole weeks so perhaps the pain and sorrow of his absence will inspire me to write through the tears and finally give some substance to this most superficial of non-celebrity gossip blogs. We'll see. Until then, enjoy this unbelievably pleasant weather that seems to have blanketed the east coast, play with your dog and plant some flowers. Life is good.
I said booya.