Thursday, October 11, 2007

Waffles! Ya hoo!

This morning, in appreciation of 52 years of partnership with my company, Waffle House came into our office and gave everyone a free waffle. What a way to start a day, right? I love Waffle House waffles....and hash browns and raisin toast, too. So, I grab my waffle and speed up to my office to enjoy my delicious morning treat. I spread a thin layer of butter on top then gently lifted one little corner of the syrup container so I could carefully drip the syrup evenly over my waffle. It was coming out a bit too slowly so I applied a little more pressure on the container and BOOM! Syrup explosion!!! All over my desk, all over my precious waffle and all over me! My customer is coming into the office today so I am all dressed up in a suit and even curled my hair and now I am covered in syrup. The inner thigh area of my pants is completely stuck to my leg. Dang! At least I smell delicious.


April Tarr said...

HELLO!!!! This is why I DON’T use syrup and haven’t since age 3 when I wisely decided that I was sick and tired of going to church with sticky hands!

erinwilla said...

Can we maybe start having a Waffle House night of the week, that meal you just described sounded soooo good?!!

peppersnaps said...

damn. i hate sticky thighs.